Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

script auto dial + anti disconect

1. script auto dial:

'@purpose auto re-dial connection
' @author mindhack at your mind
' @license GPL

Dim oDialer : Set oDialer = New Dialer

If oDialer.IsOpen() = True Then
' force the existing connection to close
End If


Class NetworkStatistic
REM #netstat -e
REM -- output ---------------------------------------------------
REM Interface Statistics
REM Received Sent
REM Bytes 12062314 7767926
REM Unicast packets 69633 68664
REM Non-unicast packets 0 4
REM Discards 0 0
REM Errors 0 0
REM Unknown protocols 0
REM -- end of output ---------------------------------------------

Dim oConsole

Dim InputByteTotal
Dim OutputByteTotal

Dim LastInputByteTotal
Dim LastOutputByteTotal

Dim InitInputByteTotal
Dim InitOutputByteTotal

Dim MaxInputByte
Dim MaxOutputByte

Dim AvgInputByte
Dim AvgOutputByte

Dim InputByte
Dim OutputByte

Dim LastTime
Dim InitTime

Sub Class_Initialize
Set oConsole = New Console
' "BYTE" or "BIT" ? BIT is not yet supported
Unit = "BYTE"
InitTime = Now()
LastTime = InitTime
InitInputByteTotal = 0
InitOutputByteTotal = 0
LastInputByteTotal = 0
LastOutputByteTotal = 0
MaxInputByte = 0
MaxOutputByte = 0
AvgInputByte = 0
AvgOutputByte = 0
End Sub

Function GetByteTotal
Dim cResult
Dim iInputByteTotal, cInputByteTotal
Dim iOutputByteTotal, cOutputByteTotal
Dim iPos, iPos2, iPos3, iPos4

cResult = oConsole.Exec("netstat -e")

iPos = InStr(cResult, "Bytes")
cInputByteTotal = Trim(Mid(cResult, iPos + Len("Bytes") + 1))
iPos2 = InStr(cInputByteTotal, " ")

cOutputByteTotal = Trim(Mid(cInputByteTotal, iPos2 + 1))
iPos3 = InStr(cOutputByteTotal, VbCrLf)

cInputByteTotal = Trim(Left(cInputByteTotal, iPos2))
cOutputByteTotal = Trim(Left(cOutputByteTotal, iPos3))

InputByteTotal = CLng(cInputByteTotal)
OutputByteTotal = CLng(cOutputByteTotal)
LastTime = Now()

End Function

Function Calculate
Dim TimeDiff, TimeDiffInit
TimeDiff = DateDiff("s", LastTime, Now())
TimeDiffInit = DateDiff("s", InitTime, Now())
If LastInputByteTotal = 0 Then
InputByte = 0
OutputByte = 0
LastInputByteTotal = InputByteTotal
LastOutputByteTotal = OutputByteTotal
InitInputByteTotal = InputByteTotal
InitOutputByteTotal = OutputByteTotal
InputByte = InputByteTotal - LastInputByteTotal
OutputByte = OutputByteTotal - LastOutputByteTotal

AvgInputByte = InputByteTotal - InitInputByteTotal
AvgOutputByte = OutputByteTotal - InitOutputByteTotal

LastInputByteTotal = InputByteTotal
LastOutputByteTotal = OutputByteTotal

If TimeDiff = 0 Then
TimeDiff = 1
End If
If TimeDiffInit = 0 Then
TimeDiffInit = 1
End If

InputByte = InputByte / TimeDiff
OutputByte = OutputByte / TimeDiff

AvgInputByte = AvgInputByte / TimeDiffInit
AvgOutputByte = AvgOutputByte / TimeDiffInit
End If

' to bit
InputByte = 8 * InputByte
OutputByte = 8 * OutputByte
AvgInputByte = 8 * AvgInputByte
AvgOutputByte = 8 * AvgOutputByte

If MaxInputByte < InputByte Then
MaxInputByte = InputByte
End If

If MaxOutputByte < OutputByte Then
MaxOutputByte = OutputByte
End If
End Function

Function Write
oConsole.OverWrite "" & _
"MAX " & FormatNumber(MaxInputByte,0) & _
"/" & FormatNumber(MaxOutputByte,0) & _
" AVG " & FormatNumber(AvgInputByte,0) & _
"/" & FormatNumber(AvgOutputByte,0) & _
" BIT " & FormatNumber(InputByte,0) & _
"/" & FormatNumber(OutputByte,0) & _
End Function
End Class

Class Console

Function Exec(cCommand)
' @purpose execute command and return command output as string
Dim oShell, cOut, oExec

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
Set oExec = oShell.Exec(cCommand)

cOut = ""

Do Until oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
cOut = cOut & oExec.StdOut.ReadLine() & VbCrLf

Set oShell = Nothing

Exec = Trim(cOut)
End Function

Function PassThru(cCommand)
' @purpose execute command and write output directly to console
Dim oShell, cOut, oExec

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
Set oExec = oShell.Exec(cCommand)

cOut = ""

Do Until oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
Write oExec.StdOut.ReadLine()

Set oShell = Nothing

PassThru = True
End Function

Function OverWrite(cText)
Dim iLenght
iLenght = 80
cText = FormatDateTime(Now(), 0) & " " & cText
If Len(cText) > iLenght Then
cText = Left(cText, iLenght)
ElseIf Len(cText) < iLenght Then
cText = cText & String(iLenght - Len(cText), " ")
End If
WScript.StdOut.Write String(iLenght, Chr(8)) & cText
End Function

Function Write(cText)
' @purpose write somethis to console, prepended by timestamp
WScript.Echo FormatDateTime(Now(), 0) & " " & cText
End Function
End Class

Class Dialer

' number of milisecond to wait before check connection status
Dim iKeepOpenWait
' idle timeout, not yet implemented
Dim iIdleTimeOut

Dim cConnectionName
Dim cUsername
Dim cPassword
Dim oNetworkStatistic
Dim oConsole

Sub Class_Initialize
Set oConsole = New Console

iKeepOpenWait = 1000
cConnectionName = "top"
cUsername = ""
cPassword = ""
Set oNetworkStatistic = New NetworkStatistic
End Sub

Function Open
Dim cResult
oConsole.Write "Connecting .."
cResult = oConsole.Exec("rasdial """ & cConnectionName & """ " & cUsername & " " & cPassword)
If InStr(cResult, "Successfully connected to ") = 0 Then
oConsole.Write cResult
End If
End Function

Function Close
Dim cResult
oConsole.Write "Disconnecting .."
cResult = oConsole.Exec("rasdial /DISCONNECT")
If InStr(cResult, "Command completed successfully") = 0 Then
oConsole.Write cResult
End If
End Function

Function IsOpen
Dim cResult
cResult = oConsole.Exec("rasdial")
If InStr(cResult, "No connections") > 0 Then
IsOpen = False
IsOpen = True
End If
End Function

Function KeepOpen
Do While True
If IsOpen = False Then
WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 1
End If
WScript.Sleep iKeepOpenWait
End Function
End Class

2. script anti diskonek:

echo off
rasdial.exe x
ping localhost -n y >nul
goto loop
x = nama dialup y = waktu loop
SAVE AS *.bat, untuk yg dial up Windows Vista (SP1) and Windows XP Pro (SP3) dan dibawahnya.SESUAIIN NAMA koneksi.. USER ama PASS-nya KONEKSI yang dipake.
Jangan lupa BUKANYA jangan pake WSCRIPT default win.. But pake CSCRIPT

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